Sunday 17 December 2017


12 Yoga Exercises For Slimming Your Face
Related imageSculpted, lean and taut faces are in vogue. If your face has been perennially chubby, rounded and cherubic, all you want to do is move over the innocent look and transform it into a sleek and sultry one. There are a plethora of face slimming exercises to help you achieve that and here are 12 of them listed for you.

Face-slimming Yoga Exercises

Yoga is not as quick as the other slimming practices that you can resort to, but it is natural, painless and long-lasting. Try some of these mentioned below for at least three months to see positive results.
  1. Simha Mudra (Lion Pose)
  2. Jivha Bandha (Locked Tongue Pose)
  3. Jalandhar Bandha (Chin Lock)
  4. Fish Face
  5. Mouthwash Technique
  6. Cheek Uplift
  7. Chin Lift
  8. Neck Roll
  9. Lip Pull
  10. Jaw Release
  11. Eye Focus
  12. Blowing Air                                                                                                         1.simha mudra(Lion pose)                                                                                          Image result for simha mudraBenefits: Simha Mudra stimulates and tones all your facial muscles. It is one of the best asanas for the face.

  1. Procedure: Kneel down and place your hands on your thighs. Drop your jaw and open your mouth wide. Stick your tongue out downwards, towards the chin, forcefully. While breathing through the mouth, make a sound from down your throat that replicates the roar of a lion. Repeat the exercise a couple of times.                                                                                                                     
  2. 2. Jivha Bandha (Locked Tongue Pose)                                                     Jihva-Bandha

  3. Benefits: Jivha Bandha chisels your face and shapes your jaw line. Along with it, it also tones your facial muscles.
    Procedure: Sit in the lotus position. Place your hands comfortably on your lap. Place the tip of your tongue against the upper wall of your mouth like you are trying to swallow the mouth. Keeping your tongue that way, open your mouth slowly and completely till you feel a stretch in your throat and neck. Repeat a couple of times. Breathe normally through your nose.
  4. 3. Jalandhar Bandha (Chin Lock)

  5. Image result for jalandhara bandha images
  6. Benefits: Jalandhar Bandha shapes your face and tones your facial and jaw line muscles. It is a boon for people with double chins as the exercise is very effective in getting rid of them.
    Procedure: Sit down in the Lotus position. Breathe deeply. Place your hands on the knees, lift your shoulders up and bend forward. Press your chin firmly against your chest and in between your two collar bones, closing your food pipe. Hold your breath as long as possible. Release and repeat.
  7. 4. Fish Face

  8. Image result for fish face yoga
  9. Benefits: Fish face tones and stretches your cheek muscles. It makes your cheeks less flabby and your face sleek.
    Procedure: Suck your cheeks and lips inwards and try to replicate a fish face. Holding that face, attempt to smile. You will feel a burn in your cheeks and jaw. Relax and repeat the exercise.
  10. 5. Mouthwash Technique

Image result for yoga pose Mouthwash Technique

Benefits: Mouthwash technique tones your cheeks and keeps double chin at bay.
Procedure: Fill your mouth with air. Transfer the air in your mouth from one corner to the other similar to cleansing your mouth with mouthwash. Continue the procedure for a few minutes, relax and repeat a couple of times.

6. Cheek Uplift

Image result for cheek uplift yoga pose

Benefits: Cheek Uplifts are perfect for your cheekbones, reducing the fat in them and toning your face to make it look younger.
Procedure: Sit comfortably and smile as wide as you can. Now place the index and middle finger of both your hands on both the cheeks. With the help of your fingers, lift your cheeks towards your eyes. Hold it there for a few seconds and relax. Repeat the exercise a couple of times.

7. Chin Lift

Image result for chin lift exercise

  1. 7. Chin Lift

    Benefits: Chin lift will get rid of your double chin and stretches your jaw, throat, and neck.
    Procedure: Sit or stand comfortably. Now, tilt your head upwards towards the ceiling and your eyes following the same. Tighten your lips and protrude them forward as if trying to kiss the ceiling. Hold on to that for a couple of seconds and release. Repeat the same a few times.
  2. 8. Neck Roll

  3. Image result for neck roll exercise
  4. Benefits: Rolling your neck is the most effective way to get rid of a double chin. It tones your chin, jawline and neck muscles. It tightens the skin of your neck and reduces sagging of the skin and wrinkles.
    Procedure: Sit comfortably and keep your head facing forward. Now, bend your head towards one side in line with your chin and turn your head in a circular motion. Keep your spine straight and shoulders down while doing so. Make the circular motions in both clockwise and anticlockwise direction for a few minutes.
  5. 9. Lip Pull

  6. Related imageBenefits: Lip Pull tones your facial muscles and gives you high cheekbones and a prominent jawline. It makes you look younger.
    Procedure: Sit or stand comfortably, keeping your head facing forward and straight. Lift your lower lip as much as you can by pushing your lower jaw out. You must feel a stretch in your chin muscles and jaw line while doing so. Remain in that posture for a few seconds, relax and repeat.
  7. 10. Jaw Release

  8. Image result for facial jaw release exercise

  9. Benefits: Jaw release gives sharp and attractive cheekbones, a prominent jaw line and reduces your double chin. It stretches the muscles around your lips, jaws, and cheeks.
    Procedure: Seat yourself comfortably and move your jaw as if you are eating with your mouth closed. Breathe well while doing this. After that, open your mouth as wide as possible with your tongue placed on your lower teeth. Hold it for a few seconds and repeat it a couple of times at a stretch.
  10. 11. Eye Focus

  11. Related image

  12. Benefits: Makes your eyebrows smooth.
    Procedure: Open your eyes wide. Make sure your eyebrows are not wrinkled. Stay this way and and focus at a point in the distance. Maintain the position for about 10 seconds, and relax. Repeat four times.
  13. 12. Blowing Air

  14. Image result for blowing air exercise
  15. Benefits: Works the facial and neck muscles. Help reduce double chin and gives you a natural face lift and a leaner appearance to your face.
    Procedure: Keep your spine erect and tilt your head backward. Ensure your eyes are directed towards the ceiling and you can see it. Pull out your lips and blow air. Keep doing this for 10 seconds and then relax. Repeat 10 times.

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