Sunday 17 December 2017


Image result for crack heel in winter
10 Best Home Remedies For Cracked Heel In Winter

1. Rice Flour

Rice Flour works as a great homemade exfoliating scrub that can be used to eliminate the dead skin cells on your feet and heels caused from the cracking and dryness. You can use it as one of the natural home remedies for cracked heels.
You will need:
  • 3 tablespoons of rice flour
  • 2 teaspoons of honey
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • A few drops of olive oil (optional)
  • Warm water
  • A towel
  • You soak your feet into the warm water for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Then, you rub your feet with a towel to remove the dead skin cells.
  • Next, you add apple cider vinegar and honey to the rice flour to make a thick mixture.
  • If you use olive oil, you can add it to this mixture and mix them well.
  • Now you apply this mixture to your heels and you rub gently.
  • You can massage your feet for about 10 to 15 minutes and then you wash them off with lukewarm water.
  • You should do this way every day until you can keep the cracks away.                        
  • 2. Vegetable OilYou can use some vegetable oils such as sesame oil, olive oil, coconut oil, etc. to provide essential moisture and avoid the dry air. Using these oils became one of the easiest home remedies for cracked heels.

    You will need:
    • Vegetable oil
    • Clean socks
    • A pumice stone
    • First of all, you use a pumice stone to scrub your feet and then you wash them thoroughly.
    • Next, you apply a little vegetable oil on your soles and heels.
    • Then, you put on your socks and you allow them to stay for overnight. This means that it is better for you to do this way at night before going to bed.
    • In the next morning, you can notice softer heels.
    • You should repeat the same process regularly for a few days until you get rid of this problem completely.
    • 3. Neem Leaves And turmeric Powder

    • One of other home remedies for cracked heels is the combination of neem leaves and turmeric powder.
      Neem leaves contain antifungal & antibacterial properties that help to treat cracked heels fast.
      This remedy is especially good for bleeding heels.
      You will need:
      • A handful of neem leaves
      • 3 teaspoons of turmeric powder
      • Water
      • You add a little water to the neem leaves and you crush them to make a paste.
      • Then, you add turmeric powder to this neem leaves paste.
      • Next, you apply this paste to your affected areas.
      • You allow them to sit for half an hour.
      • After that, you wash your feet with water.
      • Finally, you use a soft cloth to pat your feet dry.
      You should use this remedy for one time per day. However, if the condition of your heels is really bad, you should do it two times per day.

      4. Glycerin And Rose Water

      Glycerin will soften the skin of your heels and rose water will add vitamins E, D, C, B3, and A which provide the essential moistures. In addition, rose water also contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can help to treat cracked heels safely and effectively. Therefore, when they are mixed together, they will become one of the perfect home remedies for cracked heels.
      Way 1: Glycerin and rose water
      You will need:
      • Glycerin
      • Rose water
      • You take equal quantities of glycerin and rosewater.
      • Then, you mix them well to make a mixture.
      • After that, you rub this solution on your feet and heels. It will be more effective if you apply it at night before you go to bed.
      • You allow them to sit for overnight.
      • In the next morning, you rinse your feet.
      • You should do this way daily for a few days until the cracks of your heels were gone away completely.
      Way 2: Glycerin, rose water, lemon juice, and salt
      You will need:
      • ¼ part of glycerin
      • ¾ part of rosewater
      • Half a lemon
      • Warm water
      • 1 teaspoon of salt
      • A pumice stone
      • First of all, you mix glycerin with rosewater.
      • Then, you add the lemon juice squeezed from half a lemon to this mixture.
      • Next, you add salt into the warm water and you mix them well.
      • Then, you soak your feet in this water.
      • You allow the feet to be there for 15 to 20 minutes. You can add a little lemon juice to this water in order that the dead skin cells can loosen up quickly.
      • Now you rub your feet with a pumice stone to eliminate the dead skin cells.
      •  Finally, you pat your feet dry and then apply the glycerin mixture to the affected areas.
      • You should do this way at night before you go to bed. When your heels are cured, you apply this glycerin mixture to your heels every day after taking a bath to prevent the recurrence of cracked heels.
      • 5. Lemon

      • Lemon contains an acidic property that can help to decrease the rough skin by eliminating the dead skin cells which cause the cracks in your heels.
        Here are two home remedies for cracked heels containing lemon as a main ingredient.
        Way 1: Lemon juice with curd
        You will need:
        • 1 cup of curd
        • A lemon
        • A socks
        • A mild soap
        • Petroleum jelly
        • You squeeze a lemon to take its juice.
        • Then, you add this juice to the cup of curd.
        • Next, you mix them well and you apply this mixture to your feet.
        • You massage all over your feet properly but should concentrate more on your cracked heels
        • After that, you wash it off with a mild soap and you pat your feet dry properly.
        • Finally, you apply petroleum jelly and put on your socks.
        • You should do this way daily for 2 to 3 weeks to remove the cracks completely.
        Way 2: Lemon
        You will need:
        • A lemon
        • A pumice stone and soap
        • A towel
        • First of all, you squeeze a lemon to extract its juice.
        • Then, you apply this lemon juice directly on your affected areas.
        • Or you can soak your cracked heels in warm water that is mixed with the lime juice for at least about 10 to 15 minutes.
        • However, you have to avoid the hot water which will cause your feet to dry more than normal.
        • Finally, you rinse your feet by using a pumice stone and soap
        • After that, you use a towel to pat your feet dry and you should repeat this way regularly to get rid of this condition.
        • Another option, you cut a lemon into two parts and use it to rub on your feet. You lightly squeeze it to extract its juice when scrubbing on your feet.

        6. Lemon Oil, Olive Oil, And Lavender Oil

        This is one of the effective home remedies for cracked heels you should try! From these oils, you can make a cracked heel cream at home which can help you to treat this condition quickly.
        You will need:
        • Olive oil – 1 tablespoon
        • Lemon oil – a few drops
        • Lavender oil – a few drops
        • Water
        • A small bottle
        • You add lavender oil and lemon oil to olive oil.
        • Then, you stir them well and you pour this mixture into a bottle.
        • Next, you add a sufficient amount of water to this mixture.
        • Then, you shake them well to make a thick milky solution.
        • Finally, you use the homemade cream for your dry cracked heels when needed.
        • Remember that before using the solution, you should shake it well.

        7. Ripe Banana

      • Banana is one of other natural home remedies for cracked heels because it can help in providing the essential moisturizer and eliminate the dead skin cells on your feet when applied.
        You will need:
        • A ripe banana
        • Warm water
        • First of all, you mash a ripe banana to get a fine smooth paste.
        • Next, you clean your feet and then you apply this paste on the cracked heel.
        • You allow it to sit for at least about 10 to 15 minutes to help your skin to absorb the natural nourishments.
        • After that, you gently wash it off with lukewarm water and then you continue soaking your feet in cold water for a few minutes.
        • This process will help to close your skin pores and then you apple the moisturizer to your skin
        • You should do this way daily for several weeks to restore the smooth and soft heels without any cracks.

        8. Avocado, Coconut Flesh, And Ripe Banana

      • Avocados and coconuts can help to gently eliminate the dead skin cells that cause dry and cracked heels.
        You will need:
        • ½ of a ripe avocado
        • A ripe banana
        • Flesh of half a coconut
        • You mash a ripe banana to make a paste.
        • Then, you add a ripe avocado and coconut flesh to this paste.
        • Next, you blend them thoroughly to make a thick and creamy mixture.
        • Finally, you apply this mixture on your cracked heels and allow it to sit for about 30 minutes
        • After that, you rinse your feet with normal water and you pat them dry completely.

        9. Oatmeal And Jojoba Oil

        The combination of jojoba oil and oatmeal is one of other home remedies for cracked heels thanks to their excellent moisturizing effect.
        You will need:
        • 1 tablespoon of oatmeal powder
        • Jojoba oil
        • You mix jojoba oil and oatmeal to get a thick paste.
        • Then, you apply this paste to the cracks and massage this paste over the cracks.
        • You allow it to sit for about 30 minutes.
        • Finally, you wash them off with water and pat them dry.
        • You should do this way every day till your cracks are gone.
        • 10. Paraffin Wax And Mustard OilWhen the condition of your feet is really bad causing a lot of pain, paraffin wax will help you get quick relief from this problem.

          You will need:
          • 2 tablespoons of paraffin wax
          • ½ to 1 cup of mustard oil
          • Socks
          • A pan
          • A jar
          • First of all, you heat this mustard oil in the pan.
          • Then, you add the paraffin wax to this oil and you stir them continuously to make a paste.
          • You allow it to cool down a little.
          • After that, you apply this paste to your heel cracks at night time before going to bed for better results
          • Next, you put on the socks so that you cannot disturb it.
          • You can store the remaining of the mixture in the jar for further usage.
          • You should do this way for about 7 to 10 days until you got rid of the cracks of your heels.

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