Saturday 16 December 2017


1. Anuloma VilomaImage result for hair problem pic of man

Sit with your eyes closed in the Padmasana pose and rest your hands on your knees. With your right thumb, close your right nostril and inhale as much oxygen as you can through the left nostril. Remove your thumb from the right nostril and exhale. Use your middle finger to close your left nostril while you exhale and then inhale with your right nostril and exhale. Do this with focus and concentration for about 5 minutes. “Anuloma Viloma helps in improving the working of the lungs and to cure depression and tension which is the ultimate cause of hair fall.                                                   
2.Balayam ( also refereed as nail rubbing for hair growth & nail rubbing for hair regrowth ) is one simple and natural yoga technique for hair regrowth mentioned in ancient books and works of yoga & ayurvedam by ancient Indians. Balayam has also great importance in acupressure therapy. This is the most common treatment for hair regrowth and other hair problems mentioned to people by Acupressure doctors and Ayurveda doctors.

Even popular Yoga Guru Swami Baba Ramdev ji has mentioned Balayam ( rubbing nails yoga exercise ) as the best natural treatment for hair regrowth and many other hair problems like white hair, alopecia areata, pattern baldness, regular hair fall in many of his television shows and occasional public meeting videos.

How much time should I do Balayam Yoga ( Nail Rubbing Yoga Exercise )

This depends on how fast you need the results. The more you spend time, the faster you get the results. Yes, it all depends on you. But basically many yoga gurus like Baba Ramdev ( as told in rubbing nails for hair growth baba ramdev speeches ) and Acharya Balkrishna ji suggest people to practice Balayam for at least 5 to 10 minutes once in the morning and evening. Of course, you can take break for every 5 minutes because your fingers get pain if you continuously do it. Some way collectively you need to do it for around 15 minutes a day. This is the best time count for better and faster results. Of course you can also do it for 20 minutes or 30 minutes daily if your hair problem is not too serious.

When should I do Balayam Yoga ( Nail Rubbing Yoga Exercise )

This is one other doubt people generally have regarding Balayam Therapy, the balayam yoga time. Usually early mornings and evenings are better for doing Balayam. Because doing any kind of yoga or acupressure therapy on empty stomach gives better results. So that's why early mornings and evenings gives faster and better results.

But of course you are not restricted to do on other timings of the day. You can happily do while travelling, listening to music or while something other. 

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