Friday 29 December 2017


Image result for vaginal yeast infection

Home Remedies for Yeast Infections


A vaginal yeast infection (vaginal candidiasis) is caused by an overgrowth of a fungus that naturally lives in your vagina, called Candida albicans. This overgrowth triggers irritation, inflammation, itching, and painful discharge. Most women experience a yeast infection sometime during their lifetime.
If this is your first time experiencing the symptoms of a yeast infection, you should visit a gynecologist to verify that you actually have a yeast infection.
But if you have recurring yeast infections, or if you simply don’t want to go the prescription route with an antifungal cream, there are other ways to try to treat a yeast infection.
Some of these remedies use ingredients that you might already have in your home. Their effectiveness varies, and evidence for their success is mostly anecdotal. Keep reading to find out about some popular home remedies for yeast infections.

1. Greek yogurt

A review of research published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy found that some probiotics can be effective against C. albicans.
Yogurt can be considered a probiotic because it contains live bacteria, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus. These bacteria are essential to creating a healthy environment in your vagina. They can help treat an overgrowth caused by an imbalance.
Plain Greek yogurt is the best kind to use for this home remedy. Make sure that the yogurt doesn’t contain added sugar, which fuels growth of the Candida fungus.

2. Boric acid

Boric acid is a powerful antiseptic that some women claim is useful for treating yeast infections that are resistant to other remedies. According to a 2009 study, topical boric acid showed encouraging results as a treatment for vaginal infections. Some health websites claim boric acid vaginal suppositories may also be effective in treating vaginal yeast infections.
Boric acid is toxic in large amounts. It can lead to kidney damage, acute failure of the circulatory system, or death if you absorb enough of it. To avoid this, don’t use boric acid on broken skin and don’t take it orally. If you’re pregnant, you should not use boric acid in any form.
Always mix boric acid with water before applying it to your vagina or vulva area.

3. Essential oil of oregano

Common oregano, or Origanum marjoram, is what you usually find in your grocery store’s spice section. The oil of oregano used to treat yeast infections isn’t the same type, however. Look for oil of oregano made from wild oregano, or Origanum vulgare, like the one seen here. It contains thymol and carvacrol, which are powerful antifungals.
A study published in the journal Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry found that wild oregano oil could stop or slow the growth of C. albicans, depending on the dosage used.
Oil of oregano is a natural blood thinner, so don’t use it if you take blood thinners for another health condition. Also don’t use it if you have blood-clotting issues, such as from a vitamin K deficiency.
Essential oils should not be taken orally. They are meant to be inhaled as part of aromatherapy. While some studies are examining other ways to use oregano essential oils, at this time it’s recommended that you use it diluted in a carrier oils, such as olive or sweet almond oil. Mix three to five drops essential oil per ounce of carrier oil. Then, apply it to the skin in massage or inhale it through a diffuser. Do not apply essential oils near your vagina.

4. Probiotic suppositories and supplements

Probiotics help restore the bacteria-yeast balance throughout your body. If you start a regimen of oral probiotics that contain strains of the lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria, you can bring your digestive tract and vaginal flora back into alignment.
Oral supplements take about 10 days to reach full effect, so some women use probiotics as vaginal suppositories to see results more quickly. Probiotic suppositories have also been shown to be effective for treating vaginosis, according to Harvard Health.

5. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a fatty oil derived from the flesh of the coconut. The oil has many health benefits, including antifungal properties. Studies have shown that coconut oil is effective against C. albicans, making this home remedy one of the few with strong evidence that it actually works.
To treat a vaginal yeast infection using coconut oil, be sure to buy pure, organic coconut oil. You can apply the oil directly to the affected area. For more detailed instructions, see here.

6. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil that’s used to kill fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Research shows that a vaginal suppository containing tea tree oil may help treat vaginal infections. Tea tree oil is also believed to help maintain a healthy balance of flora in the vagina.
Tea tree oil is incredibly powerful. Make sure to dilute it with a carrier oil such as jojoba or coconut oil if you’re going to use it as a vaginal suppository. Only use tea tree oil occasionally, and never swallow it.
You can buy tea tree oil online and in some grocery or health food stores.

7. Apple cider vinegar

One popular yeast infection remedy is an apple cider vinegar bath. Vinegar has many medicinal uses, some more proven by research than others. When you add a half cup of apple cider vinegar to a lukewarm bathtub and soak for 20 minutes, the acidic component of the vinegar is supposed to eliminate any harmful microorganisms.
A vinegar bath is not the same as vinegar douching, which aims to flush out all bacteria (good and bad) from your vagina. Doing so leaves you more prone to a recurrence of the yeast infection.

8. Garlic

Garlic was shown in a lab study to be an effective Candida killer. But there is some debate over whether it will help cure yeast infections outside of a lab setting. If you’d like to try garlic to treat a yeast infection, add more garlic to your diet. Some websites recommend inserting garlic in the vagina, but burns and significant pain have been reported.

9. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a bacteria and yeast-killing antiseptic, according to lab studies. While it won’t work on every species of yeast, some women swear by using hydrogen peroxide topically when they get a yeast infection. Make sure that you dilute hydrogen peroxide before applying it to your genitals, and don’t use it for more than five days in a row.

10. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an immune system booster. A strong immune system allows your body to bring itself back into balance. Vitamin C (also called ascorbic acid) has antimicrobial components when it’s distilled into tablet form, so some women use it to kill candida overgrowths.
Like many other home remedies, using a vitamin C tablet suppository might burn the sensitive skin of your vagina. Instead, try increasing your intake of vitamin C to boost your body’s ability to beat the yeast infection.
What to expect
Most home remedies bring relief within a few days. Some may take up to a week. Call your doctor if your symptoms worsen or if new symptoms appear at any time during treatment. Also call your doctor if you have persistent irritation that’s separate from your yeast infection symptoms.
If your infection goes away with treatment but then returns, contact your doctor for advice. You may need a prescription-strength treatment.

Preventing vaginal yeast infections

Follow these tips to help prevent future yeast infections.
  • Limit the amount of sugar and processed foods you consume. Yeast thrives on sugar.
  • Wear loose-fitting, cotton underwear.
  • Don’t spend extended periods of time in wet clothes or bathing suits. Yeast grows in warm, moist environments.
  • Only use antibiotics when necessary.
  • Don’t use douches unless advised by your doctor, and avoid vaginal deodorant sprays and scented vaginal lotions. They may alter the balance of good bacteria and yeast in your vagina.

Home remedies may or may not work to treat your yeast infection. If you use herbs, supplements, or essential oils, be aware that the Food and Drug Administration does not monitor these for safety, purity, and quality. Buy from a reputable source.
The effectiveness of a home remedy varies depending on the person, the severity of the infection, and the quality of the treatment used. Be sure to keep in mind that any product, natural or otherwise, may irritate sensitive vaginal skin. You should stop using the remedy and call your doctor if you experience any irritation or discomfort.

Thursday 28 December 2017


Image result for glowing skin

Get Clear Skin at Home

Every woman wants picture-perfect, flawless skin. Clear and beautiful skin is one of the main elements of a person’s beauty. Healthy skin helps you feel beautiful as well.
Your skin care regimen and lifestyle habits are the primary predictors of your skin’s health. Some of the leading factors that take a toll on the quality and texture of your skin are stresslack of sleeppoor nutritionpollutiondamage from the sun’s ultraviolet raysexcessive smoking and drinking alcohol.
There are thousands of skin and beauty care products that promise to give you clear and glowing skin. Instead of relying on these products, you can try some simple and easy home remedies to improve the overall health and appearance of your skin.
The top 10 ways to get clear skin at home:


Lemon is one of the best ingredients that you can use to promote clear skin. The citric acid present in lemon helps keep the skin clear by removing dead cells, and its vitamin C content helps reduce dark spots by increasing the cell renewal process. Lemon also has bleaching properties that will help improve your overall skin complexion.
  • Apply fresh-squeezed lemon juice to your entire face and neck. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. After this, rub cucumber slices on your skin to soften and moisturize it. Do this daily or every other day.
  • Another option is squeeze the juice of one-half lemon and mix one to two tablespoons of raw honey in it. Apply it on your face, leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off.
  • To exfoliate your skin, mix two teaspoons each of lemon juice and sugar. Apply the mixture on your face, neck and hands. Scrub in a circular motion and leave it on for 10 minutes. Then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Follow this remedy once a week to enjoy glowing skin.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric is an excellent antiseptic and skin-lightening agent that helps minimize scars and other marks. Plus, turmeric can alleviate allergic, inflammatory and infectious skin disorders that make your skin look dull and lifeless.


  • Mix one tablespoon of turmeric powder with enough pineapple juice to make a paste. Apply the paste to your face and neck. Leave it on until the paste dries completely. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. Follow this remedy two or three times a week to reduce the appearance of spots on skin.
  • Make a paste by mixing equal amounts of turmeric powder and gram flour with a little water or milk. Apply it evenly on your skin and leave it on until it dries. Wash it off with lukewarm water, scrubbing your skin gently in a circular motion. Follow this remedy once a week to lighten your skin tone and remove scars.

3. Honey

To enjoy clear skin, your need to keep your skin well moisturized. Honey is a great moisturizer and also has antibacterial properties that help ward off infection.
  • Apply raw honey directly on your skin. Let it dry naturally and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. The water content in honey will deeply moisturize the skin, making it soft and supple. Do this simple remedy once daily or every other day.
  • Alternatively, mix two teaspoons of milk and one teaspoon of honey. Then add one teaspoon of gram flour and mix it in well. Apply it all over your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. Use this face mask once a week to enjoy radiant and clear skin.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has many benefits for the skin. It has antibacterial properties that help kill bacteria that cause acne, anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe irritated skin, and astringent properties that help heal scars. Plus, aloe vera moisturizes the skin and stimulates new skin cell growth.
  1. Extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf.
  2. Apply the gel on your face using a cotton ball.
  3. Allow it to dry on its own for about half an hour, and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  4. Follow this remedy daily or several times per week.

5. Baking Soda

Baking soda balances pH levels of the skin, which is very important to maintain clear skin. Plus, its mild antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties help deal with problems like acne, pimples and spots. It also works as an excellent exfoliating agent to keep the skin free from dirt, impurities and dead skin cells.
  • Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with one teaspoon of water or lemon juice to make a paste. Cleanse your face and use the paste to gently exfoliate the skin. Finally rinse your face with lukewarm water and pat it dry with a towel. Follow this remedy two or three times a week.
  • Alternatively, mix one teaspoon each of baking soda and raw honey. Apply this mixture onto damp skin and massage gently for just one minute. Then wash with lukewarm water. Finally, splash some cold water on your face to close the pores. Follow this remedy once a week.

6. Cucumber

Cucumbers contain hydrating, nourishing and astringent properties that are very good for skin. They can improve the overall appearance of your skin by repairing damaged skin cells, removing dead skin cells and adding a fresh glow.

Cut a fresh cucumber into thick slices, and rub them thoroughly all over your face. Leave it on overnight and rinse with warm water in the morning. Do this daily before going to bed.  Alternatively, make a mixture with equal amounts of cucumber juice and lemon juice. Apply this mixture to your skin, allow it to dry completely, and then wash it off with warm water. Do this daily. 

7. Papaya

Papaya can be used to improve your skin’s texture and maintain clear skin. It has natural bleaching properties that help reduce the appearance of scars. Plus, the enzyme papain present in papaya has antibacterial and wound healing abilities and also aids in removing dead, damaged skin.
  1. Chop a ripe papaya into small pieces.
  2. Combine the papaya with one teaspoon each of sandalwood powder and honey. Grind these ingredients into a paste.
  3. Apply the paste all over your face and neck.
  4. Leave it on for half an hour. Then rinse it off with cool water and pat dry your skin.
  5. Finally apply some rose water on your face.
  6. Follow this remedy once a week to notice a visible change in your skin tone.

8. Walnut

Image result for WALNUT
Walnuts can bring a beautiful glow to dull, dry and lifeless skin. Walnuts have antioxidants that help repair skin cells and promote radiant skin. Walnut in powder form can be used to exfoliate your skin and remove impurities and dirt that an ordinary cleansing product cannot do.
  • Mix two teaspoons of walnut powder with two tablespoons of plain yogurt to make a paste. Apply this paste on your face and neck. When the paste dries, scrub the mixture around your face and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Use this face mask once a week.
  • Soak three walnuts in water overnight. In the morning, mix in one teaspoon of rose water to make a paste. Apply the paste on your face. Leave it on for an hour and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Follow this remedy once a week.
  • You can also eat two or three walnuts with a glass of milk every morning.

    9. Coconut Oil

    Image result for coconut oil

    Coconut oil is very rich in antioxidants that prevent free radical activity, which is one of the reasons behind dull and lifeless skin. Also, its antibacterial and antifungal properties help maintain clear skin. Plus, it will keep your skin soft and moisturized as this oil can penetrate deep into underlying tissues of the skin.
    1. Gently warm up some coconut oil in a microwave.
    2. Apply the warm oil to your face, neck, hands and legs. Gently massage it into the skin for 10 minutes.
    3. Finally rinse it off with lukewarm water.
    4. Use this treatment once daily.

    10. Mint

    Image result for mint
    The main ingredient in mint is menthol, which has cooling and soothing properties that help keep the skin healthy and glowing. Also, it has wonderful healing properties that help fight off skin infections.
    1. Put one teaspoon of mint powder and one tablespoon each of plain yogurt and fuller’s earth in a bowl.
    2. Set it aside for half an hour so that all ingredients get soaked properly. Then stir it to get a smooth paste.
    3. Apply this homemade face pack on your face and neck.
    4. Leave it on until it dries naturally, and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
    5. Use this face mask once a week to enjoy clear skin.
    You need to use the remedies of your choice on a regular basis to effect changes in your skin. Plus, follow a strict skin care routine that suits your skin type.



Wednesday 27 December 2017


Shape up your legs in 10 simple steps:

It’s time to get those legs in shape! If you’ve always wanted shapelier legs then keep on reading because we’re going to cover a few of the things you can do to get your very own pair of gorgeous games. Many women hate their legs and would gladly swap them for a shapelier pair if it was possible. But you can’t change your genetics, so rather than fighting against what you’ve got, own it and make the most of your potential.It doesn’t matter where you’re starting from – long and lean, short and stout or somewhere in between – you can take a few steps to shape up your legs. They may never look as long and sleek as a catwalk model’s, but – dammit! – they’re yours. So don’t try to hide the legs you’ve got, shape them up and get ready to flaunt them!

10 Gorgeous Leg Shaping tips

1. Get Your Workout On

You knew this would be here, didn’t you? Yes, working out is our favorite way to sculpt a pair of beautiful legs. The best thing about it – as long as you stay active – it’s permanent! Make sure you’re including these leg-sculpting exercises in your workouts:
  • *Squats
  • *Lunges
  • *Step ups and Box Jumps
  • *calf Raises                                                                                                                                  


How to Do a Squat

Follow These Steps:

  1. Stand straight with feet hip-width apart
    Stand with your feet apart, directly under your hips, and place your hands on your hips.
  2. Tighten your stomach muscles
    Standing up tall, put your shoulders back, lift your chest, and pull in your abdominal muscles.
  3. Lower down, as if sitting
    Bend your knees while keeping your upper body as straight as possible, as if you were lowering yourself onto a seat behind you. Lower yourself as far as you can without leaning your upper body more than a few inches forward.

    Tip: Don’t allow your knees to go too far forward. You don’t want them to stick out past your toes.
  4. Straighten your legs
    Being careful not to lock your knees when you reach a standing position, straighten your legs.
  5. Repeat the movement
    Repeat for three sets of 10 to 15 reps.

    Tip: Stretch your arms out in front of you for added balance during squats.
THE LUNGE is a fitness staple – and for good reason. Even the most elite of athletes do not dare knock the lunge: not only does a set of lunges strengthen your legs and shape your backside, this single exercise works the hips, quads, hamstrings, glutes, and abs all at once. When done properly, lunges will challenge your stability and improve your posture.  Talk about multitasking!
We truly believe that it is the small changes that make the biggest differences – whether it be in your diet, fitness, or even just mindset. Learn how to perform the perfect lunge, and watch your body start to transform!
    Stand with your feet shoulder's width apart, spine long and straight, shoulders back, gaze forward.
    Step forward with one leg into a wide stance (about one leg's distance between feet) while maintaining spine alignment.
    Lower your hips until both knees are bent at approximately a 90 degree angle. Your front knee should not extend over your ankle, and your back knee should hover above the ground. Keep your weight in your heels as you push back up to starting position. Repeat on both sides.           

    How to practice step up exercise at home?

    Step 1
    • Stand straight in front of the platform. Place both your hands on your sides while holding a small dumbbell in each hand. (Your palms should be facing to your legs)
    Step 2
    • Inhale first and step up your right feet on platform. Exhale (Breathe out) when you come up on the platform and step up immediately with a left feet to meet it.
    Step 3
    • Step down with right feet and then left feet immediately.
    Step 4
    • Inhale first, while exhaling step up with left feet first then right feet on the platform. Repeat this for 4 – 5 minutes continuously.  Take a break for 1 minute and repeat again for 4-5 minutes.   


      1. Do not bend your knee more than 90 degrees.
      2. Take a break when you feel tired.
      3. You can raise your hand while holding a small dumbbell as shown in the above image. 

    Image result for calf raises exercise for women

    Calf raise                                                    How to

    Stand with your feet firmly on the ground, one foot slightly in front of the other.
    Hold a weight in your hands and then rise up on your tiptoes.

    Pause at the top for one or two seconds then come down again.  

    2.Eat Clean                                                                      

    1. we admit it – we talk about eating clean a lot. That’s because it’s crucial to getting the body you want. Your workouts are only half the story – and most people find them the easier of the two – but if you really (and we mean really!) want to get great results, you’ve got to take it to the kitchen too!

    what is Clean Eating                                                       Part of the problem with getting to the bottom of what clean eating is, is that everyone seems to have a different definition of what actually constitutes ‘clean’. You’ve got your bodybuilder definition, your paleo definition, your vegan definition, your celebrity doctor definition and on and on and on. Not only that, but those definitions can vary wildly from individual to individual.

    What follows is our definition of clean eating, we don’t claim that it’s the ‘right’ definition; these are simply the personal guidelines we use to stay lean, strong and healthy. As always, clear it with your doctor before you make any changes to your diet.
    So, with that in mind, let’s go over some things clean eating isn’t: it’s not a diet, it’s not calorie-restriction, it’s not about meal frequency, it’s not about depriving yourself of things you love and it isn’t about perfection.
    • Not a diet.

      It really isn’t. A diet is something you do for a month or two so that you can lose a few pounds and then return to your normal eating habits (and gain all the weight back, hence the term: ‘yo-yo dieting’). That’s short-term thinking, and clean eating isn’t a short-term fix – it’s more of a lifestyle change. If you want to be successful with eating clean, you’ve got to view it as redefining the relationship you have to food, and rather than trying to change everything all at once, taking it slower, and focusing on continuing to improve your eating habits over time.
    • Not calorie-restriction.

      Eating clean doesn’t mean not eating. You eat as much food as you need (i.e fulfill your metabolic requirements) to be healthy and have the energy to fuel your workouts and any other activities.
    • Not about meal frequency.

      Meal frequency and clean eating are two separate things. In fact, how often you eat is probably being given way more significance than it deserves. We’ve already pointed to studies which show that meal frequency has little effect on fat loss , and little effect on insulin levels  (although it does affect glucose levels). To cut a long story short: it’s ultimately down to personal preference – some people want to eat 5 – 6 smaller meals a day, while others prefer the standard 3 meals, but there’s absolutely no requirement for a specific meal frequency. Heck, if you wanted to have just 1 big meal a day, that’d probably work too!
    • Not deprivation.

      People often equate clean eating with sacrifice, but it’s actually about finding healthy alternatives to unhealthy food. So if you love cupcakes, you don’t need to give ’em up, the challenge is to find a healthier cupcake (or healthy alternative). Sure it takes more work, but the results are certainly worth it. Also remember that as you clean up your eating habits, your tastes change and you get to the point where you actually crave healthy food. Sounds crazy, but it’s true.
    • Not perfection.

      Clean eating is about eating healthy most of the time. It isn’t about 100% strict adherence to mythical clean eating ideals – if you really want the double chocolate fudge cupcake, then go for it – it doesn’t mean you’ve fallen off the ‘clean-eating wagon’. There’s this strange phenomenon, especially in the bodybuilding world, where people get obsessed with eating clean (orthorexia nervosa), which isn’t exactly a healthy way to live life, nor is it necessary. The key to clean eating is aiming to eat healthy most of the time, and still being flexible about it.     

      Clean Eating Guidelines

      So, if all that isn’t clean eating… what exactly is? Glad you asked. To show you what clean eating means to us, it’s actually easier to start with the things you need to avoid or cut down on.

      Avoid these most of the time…

      Like we said earlier, clean eating isn’t about perfection – any way of eating which requires perfection is going to be hard to sustain in the long run; eating is also a social affair, so it’s nice to be able to join in with friends and family. That said, to eat clean, you want to avoid the following most (e.g. 80% – 90%) of the time:
      • Avoid processed food.

        Convenient, but you pay for that convenience because processed foods are usually high in chemical additives, trans fats, salts and refined sugars.
      • Avoid most refined foods.

        This means refined flour, sugars (high-fructose, white, brown, and the rest), trans-fats etc. If you’re interested in cutting down body fat, of special importance is to cut out refined sugars, which due to their affect on insulin levels and hormone sensitive lipase, aids in fat loss.
      • Avoid artificial ingredients and preservatives.

        As the saying goes: if you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it. If it’s made in a lab, don’t eat it. This includes artificial sweeteners!
      • Avoid alcohol.

        The long and short of it is: alcohol is a toxin. It’s also an excellent social lubricant, so if you’re going to drink, make sure you keep it low to moderate.
      • Avoid soda and fruit juice.

        Don’t drink your calories: soda is loaded with sugar, diet soda is loaded with artificial sweeteners and fruit juice is also often loaded with refined sugar and of course, natural sugars.
      If you just stick to the above guidelines most of the time, you’ll be well on your way to a clean eating lifestyle. As said before, it’s not about perfection, but the more you can cut out the above factors, the healthier you’ll be.
      The problem you encounter with clean eating is when you try to create a one-size-fits-all definition. The truth of it is that everyone has a different gentic makeup and nutritional science is ongoing with new discoveries being made all the time. Is it any wonder why almost no one, including most of the experts, can agree as to what constitutes the ideal diet?
      That said, these are the clean eating do’s we stick to:

      Do this most of the time…

      • Account for individuality.

        First and foremost, whatever eating habits you choose to make, you need to make it about you. In other words, you need to tailor your diet to: 1) your own food sensitivities and intolerances (if any) and 2) your personal preferences.
        For example: if you are gluten and lactose intolerant, then clean eating, for you would mean, that you would have to avoid wheat and dairy products. However, someone else may be sensitive to nightshades, so their version of clean eating would mean they need to avoid tomatoes, eggplants (but could eat all the cheese they wanted).
      • Eat according to your goals.

        Eating to lose weight, maintain your weight, or gain weight (in the form of lean muscle, hopefully!) have different calorie requirements. Even though, for example, weight loss probably isn’t as simple as the often used calories consumed/calories burnt model(e.g. some researchers point to other factors such as the significant effect of hormones on fat loss), your caloric intake it can still be a useful guideline to follow.
      • Eat plenty vegetables.

        Veggies, veggies, veggies! Get as many veggies as you can: cruciferous, dark leafy greens, even potatoes. The idea is to make sure you have a variety of veggies on your plate (as many colors of the rainbow as you can get) and to vary the veggies you eat as often as possible.
      • Eat fruits in moderation.

        Fruits are a sweet treat and a nutritious alternative to candies and other refined sugars, but it is possible to eat too many. Part of the issue with eating too much fruit is that it can lead to problems with the hormones which regular blood sugar (and we’ve already talked about how some research is pointing to how hormones contribute to fat loss, or lack thereof). Also, modern day fruits are generally much larger and higher in sugar than they would have been naturally (hybridization).
      • Eat high-quality meats.

        (Optional) If you’re a vegetarian or vegan you have plant-based alternatives. For the meat eaters, aim to get your meat from grass-fed animals if possible, it is more expensive, but it’s also healthier – failing that, try to get organic or free-range. One budget-friendly option is to have fewer, but higher quality meat-eating days. For lower quality meats, you probably want to get leaner cuts, as chemicals can accumulate in the fatty tissues.
      • Eat healthy fats.

        Healthy fats don’t make you fat, they’re good for you! Yes, even some healthy (i.e. from a high-quality source) saturated fats. You can get healthy fats from, for example, fish (e.g. anchovies and sardines), nuts and seeds (e.g. walnuts, almonds, chia seeds), avocados, eggs, oils (olive oil, coconut oil), dairy products and grass-fed beef.
      • Use high-quality supplement(s).

        (Optional) In an ideal world you would get all your nutrients from the food you eat; however, this isn’t an ideal world and there are some good reasons to add supplements to your diet. Plus, you can’t beat supplements for convenience – just remember that they’re only there to supplement your diet, not make the bulk of it.
      • Drink mostly water and enough of it.

        Pure, unadulterated water is the best way to stay hydrated, chuck the soda, chuck the fruit juice and stick to water most of the time, herbal teas and moderate use of coffee (remembering that caffeine has a 6 hour half-life in the body, so it’s best to drink it earlier in the morning). How much water should you drink? It differs depending on a number of factors, but rule of thumb: at least eight 8-ounce glasses a day. You may also want to invest in a water filtration unit if you’re drinking tap water.
      • what about carbs?! What about macronutrient ratios?!

        Just when we thought we’re going to get away with it… Well, you can get plenty of fibrous carbs from your veggies (and you can eat a lot of these), but what about your refined and complex carbs? First, as mentioned earlier you want to moderate the amount of refined carbs you eat, and as far as your complex carbs, that’s largely personal preference, but avoiding refined carbs is probably a good place to start.
        What about macronutrient ratios? These will probably vary according to your genetic makeup, your body type, your activities etc. etc. The bottom line, as far as we are aware, is that there is no magical macronutrient ratio for fat loss or gaining muscle. You want to make sure you’re including all your macronutrients in your diet – just some food for thought: there are populations which survive (and thrive) with a zero-to-low carb intake (e.g. the Inuit, Maasai, Rendille, Tokelau).
        Essentially what this means is that you need to find out what works for you personally, and as always check with your doctor before you make any diet changes.
      • 3.Roll Some Foam

        Not in the bath, with a foam roller. If you don’t already know (where have you been?!) a foam roller is a device which allows you to give yourself a deep tissue massage. This has a few benefits: relaxes the muscles, circulates blood and lymphatic fluid (a good thing!), breaks up scar tissue and adhesions, and most importantly, smooths and lengthens muscle.
        Lengthening the muscles in your legs will help to give them a longer and leaner appearance, plus it helps you recover from your workouts quicker – bonus!                                                                 

        4.Work With What You’ve Got

        Their your legs, so learn to love ‘em! We’re all born differently and as much as many of us would love to have had different results in the genetic lottery – them’s the apples! In other words: love what you’ve got and learn to work with it. You can work out until you’re blue in the face, but you can’t make your legs longer. If you don’t have the genetics for that elusive ‘thigh gap’ you’re not going to get it.                                                                                                  
        Forget about what you don’t have and focus on your assets. If you think you’ve got short stubby legs, or funny looking kneecaps, or no calves – don’t hate them – find out what works for you and use it to your advantage.                                                                          
      • Use the Power of Illusion

        5. Working out can certainly sculpt you a pair of gorgeous legs, but a thousand crunches, lunges and step-ups can’t change your genetics. Still, there are other things you can do to give the illusion of longer, shapelier legs. For example:

        • A dress with a high hemline or high waist.

        • High heels, especially nude heels.

        • Use an instant glow or shimmer moisturiser to highlight your contours.
        • A airbrush or spray-on tan also highlights the contours of your legs, giving them a more slender appearance.

        • Spanx for your legs. Not a replacement for working out though!                                                                                      

        6.Pamper Yourself

      • What’s the point of having incredible, shapely legs if they’re dry, flaky and have razor burn and ingrown hairs? So take some time to pamper your legs – it’s a great way to relax, and the end result will look fantastic. Try some of these ideas:
        • Use coconut oil as a pre- and post-shave lotion for super-smooth legs. Even better, it doesn’t contain any parabens. In fact, some people swear by coconut oil as being even better than your usual shaving cream. Try it out and see how it feels.
        • Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.
        • Exfoliate! Use a loofah or an exfoliating mitt.
        • Shave with a shower oil. L’occitane does an amazing almond shower oil.
        • To prevent razor burn, ingrown hairs and for amazingly smooth legs, we’ve found Shaveworks Cool Fix works incredibly well (it’s unisex, not just for men). A little goes a long, long way!                                                                     
      • 7.Watch the Sodium & Hydrate

        • Too much sodium in your diet (and it’s in almost everything) can result in edema, more commonly known as water-retention. So if you want to reduce the puffiness and bloating (in your whole body) or the dreaded ‘cankles’ then reduce your sodium intake and increase your water intake – keep yourself hydrated!                                                                      
      • 8.Minimize Cellulite

        • Cellulite is a bit of an annoyance isn’t it? But, don’t get mad, get even – you can minimize and even eradicate it completely! Take a look at our 6 ways to get rid of cellulite to help you fight back!                                              
      • 9.Yoga!

        • Not only will doing yoga strengthen your whole body – some poses are especially good for your legs – but the stretches will help you lengthen your muscles and improve your flexibility. Not into yoga? Then simply make sure you include 10 – 15 minutes stretching after your workouts to keep those muscles limber.                     
      • 10.Get Moving

        • We know lifting heavy things is good for sculpting some sexy muscle, but it’s a good idea to get your cardio on too! Not only will it be a good cardiovascular workout, but you’ll be building working all those muscles you don’t usually hit. Plus it’s fun! Here are some ideas:
          • Dancing
          • Kickboxing / boxing
          • Running
          • CrossFit (includes weight training).
