Monday 1 January 2018


Image result for whitening vagina by home remedies4 Ways to Whiten Vagina Naturally

Are you worried because of the dark color of your vagina? What to do to remove darkness from this area of your skin? This problem is also common among women and the solutions available in the market even make the skin darker instead of giving skin whitening results. If you are also facing this problem, here I am going to share with you easy home remedies to whiten vagina naturally.

Causes of Dark Vaginal Area

There are different causes of the dark vaginal area. The most common causes are
  • The use of hair removing creams
  • Different diseases such as Acromegaly
  • The use of tight clothes
  • Deficiency of vitamins
  • The use of body wash loaded with chemicals
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Skin infections
  • More production of melanin
  • Aging and obesity
  • Heredity
  • Imbalance in your hormones
  • Hypothyroidism     
  • How to Whiten Vagina Naturally


    Remedy 1

    • Three tsp of olive oil
    • Two glasses of rose water
    • One small spoon of salt
    • One small spoon of sugar
    • One small spoon of talcum powder
    • Water
    Take three tsp of olive oil, two glasses of rose water, a small spoon of salt and sugar and talcum powder.
    Mix all these ingredients with water and put the mixture on fire for five minutes.
    How to Use:
    Place the mixture on the vagina and rub gently and it will remove the black spots.

    Remedy 2

    • Half cup of olive oil
    • One lemon juice
    • Two tbsp of rose water
    Take half cup of olive oil, 1 lemon juice, and two tbsp of rose water and mix.
    How to Use:
    Put the mixture on vagina and massage gently.                                                                                           Related image                                                                             

    Remedy 3

    Potato slices
    Take a potato and cut it into slices.
    How to Use:
    Take potato slices and massage with them your vagina gently.

    Remedy 4

    Cucumber Juice
    How to Use:
    Dip a cotton pad in cucumber juice and massage your vagina with it.
    If you are also worried because of the dark vagina and want to get rid of this issue naturally and in a cost effective way, use any of these remedies to whiten vagina naturally daily once and get results in one week.

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